Choose your release track

You can change which release track your TestRail Cloud account is on by submitting your request below. Someone from our team will reach out to you within two (2) business days about your request.

You must be both an Administrator in your TestRail instance and be listed as Primary Contact or Technical Contact in your organization’s Gurock Customer Portal account to qualify as an authorized user to select a different release track.

Please note: If you are a TestRail Server customer, you will be able to download new versions of TestRail when they are released in your Gurock Customer Portal. There are no separate release tracks for TestRail Server releases.

For more information about quarterly release tracks, read the release tracks documentation article here.

Note: Once you have signed up for the Early Release track, it won’t be possible to revert your instance to the Default track until the following quarter because this would require a database rollback, which is not currently supported.

“I compared different tools and TestRail was much better than others. TestRail works really fast, has a clean, simple UI, a really good workflow, and intuitive test case management.”

Gled Budko

Autodesk, Inc.

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